OutguessWrapper 2.8
Universal Binary (Runs natively on PowerPC or x86 Intel-based Mac computers running OS X 10.4.11 - macOS 10.14.X)
Fully wrapped with support for all OutGuess options/switches!
OutguessWrapper acts as a GUI interface to the command-line program called OutGuess. OutGuess is a steganographic tool that allows the insertion of hidden information into the redundant bits of data sources. OutGuess uses both a stream cipher and a pseudo-random number generator both based on a RC4 Stream Cipher.
Storing hidden messages in images is very powerful. An example: Suppose you’re a photographer, you could embed a message in all your copyrighted images and if an issue arises where you found some images elsewhere you could prove they were yours because you would be the only one that knew they were stegonographically protected and could prove it by being able to retrieve the messages inside. You could even use this in conjunction with watermarking.
OutguessWrapper supports the following OutGuess options
- Fully featured with support for all OutGuess options/switches.
- This includes the 3 possible input file formats: .jpg, .ppm, & .pnm
- This includes the ability to conceal 2 messages within the same image. A second innocuous message can be divulged which allows for your plausible deniability while the first messages remains unknown and concealed.
- NEW FEATURE (not found in OutGuess): Unlocked After Registration--> Ability to conceal multiple images with a users chosen suffix or a completely unique filename.
- NEW FEATURE (not found in OutGuess): --> Icon of images selected.
- The text file to conceal or retrieve must be a 'plain text file'. To create one use TextEdit and choose 'Make Plain Text' for any .txt file.
OutguessWrapper supports 4 paths to OutGuess
- built-in pre-compiled (Pre-compiled OutGuess v0.2 is built-in thus no source code compiling is needed unless desired)
- /usr/local/bin/outguess (default OutGuess if compiled location)
- /opt/local/bin/outguess (default MacPorts build location)
- /usr/bin/outguess (extra optional location that's common during other compiling)
- OutguessWrapper was tested with version 0.2 of OutGuess.
- Hybrid Bits is not associated with the developers of OutGuess.